Tuesday, 13 May 2014

They came from the Warp II


Things have been a bit slow lately, caused by a number of factors eating into hobby time. What with work, life and another mad idea I've had there hasn't been a lot of love for the plastic.

Finished Warp Talons
On Sunday the squad of Warp Talons was completed. I must admit I hadn't expected to enjoy painting something so detailed. On went the audio-book and hours flew.

Base Coats and a messy work desk
Basic base coats were applied to the two remaining members of the squad. I attempted when assembling them to keep them as similar to the poses used in the GW literature (and on the box) 

Washed and still soggy
Then the same paint scheme that had been used on the previous three was employed to finish the spiky buggers off. Careful observers will have noted the Night Lord shoulder pads that were purchased from FW. Its the first time I've really tried to paint the fine cast resin (despite having several guys waiting to be painted!) and found the coverage OK once the release agent had been washed off.

Spiked Fury

These guys then met up with their battle brothers for a group shot. Ive enjoyed the trip into the warp immensely. I think I'll have to purchase some more Chaos Marines to experiment with.

Talons of Death
I might get back to some Wolves before the next post!


  1. Wow...the squad of them together just looks incredible. Really nicely done. Try to get some in game shots of them if you can in the future. I bet they look amazing in game play!

    1. Thanks Greg, much appreciated! Im not really a gamer so I might have to mock up a scene. That gives me an idea!
